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Research Questions - Workshop Announcements

Member Activation? 

Everyone who joins GASP has to have their membership activated within the system. Activation occurs once the registrant requirements for member category have been verified and dues have been paid. Prospects should add their certification information to be included in their profile. Activation of membership gives members full access to the members areas of the web including discussion pages, directory, GASP events and archived information. 


Pending vs. Active vs. Overdue/ Lapsed Membership?

 New members awaiting activation are in "pending" status until their information can be verified. Once activated, the membership year is from July to July. Everyone has to renew their membership by July 1st to avoid overdue member status. Overdue renewal online is immediate with information automatically updated and active member status renewed. Should a member fail to renew for a full year then their status becomes lapsed and they no longer are reflected on the membership directory. Should this occur, the member should contact the membership chair or webmaster to clear out old charges which may show up on the members financial area (which was not used during the dormant year) and then renew for the current year which they are attempting to re-join.


Logging Into Website- Forgot Password?

You can log in using your email that you registered with as your "user name" and then whatever password you chose when you registered. If you forgot your password then enter your user email and click the "forgot password" link. The system will email you a link to reset your password. Remember that if you have your own computer then you can always check the "remember me" box when you initially log in and then you won't have to worry about it anymore. However, you should not give your log in information to others as your profile can be tampered with and system changes could be made without your knowledge. (If you are not sure what email you used when you registered, it's the one that you get the GASP message emails with.)


How do I Renew Membership?

The following steps will guide you through the renewal process:

1. Go Online and Login at and enter your user email and password.
2. Go to 'view profile' link (by log in button)
3. Click 'renewal button' in upper right of your profile page with the date you are currently paid through.
4. Check your profile for any information which needs updating.
5. Click 'renewal button' and follow directions.
6. You be asked if you'd like to pay online- This is easiest and takes about 1 minute for confirmation.
7. Choose this to pay immediately (online recommended) or mail in your payment under the info from the membership tab and wait.

--For those paying online- follow the instructions on PayPal site- ONLINE PAYMENTS ARE EASY AND PREFERRED
(You can pay by credit card without a PayPal account if you choose or use your PayPal account). You get immediate confirmation of payment!

--For those paying by mail- update your profile information and contact membership- we have had members mail checks to outdated addresses causing renewal delays. PLEASE VERIFY THE PROPER ADDRESS BEFORE MAILING A CHECK.


Guarding your GASP password information?

 Your profile is your information and most of it can't be seen by other members. Only you can see your PLU tracking hours, degree type, and other affiliations, etc. If you allow others to use your log in information then your profile and even your password, user email could be changed without your permission. It is therefore recommended that you do not give out log in information or check the "remember me" box if on a public computer.


Which email should I use when joining?

Because the school systems have email filters, it is highly recommended you use your home email as the user email. You can always change your primary email by updating your profile. You can also add your work email as a secondary email within your profile. Filtered emails may prevent you from getting valuable information and email reminders from GASP!


Viewing and Updating My profile Page? 

To view your profile, log in using your "user name" and then whatever password you chose when you registered. You'll see the "view profile" link below your name after you have logged in. Click this view profile link to view or edit your profile information.


What's my Member ID Number?

Log in and click the "view profile" link and you will see your member number and other personal information on this page. Your Member Number is a unique 6 or 7 digit number in parentheses next to your name. eg. Jill Smith (123456)


Access membership directory- How can I look someone up or other region members?

After a member logs in they can use the private member directory to look up a friend or colleague. You can search by region, crisis skills training, bilingual skills and simply by keyword. Only current members will show up in these searches. If someone has lapsed on their dues then they are considered a lapsed member and their information cannot be searched out by other members within GASP.


Contacting My Region Rep- Finding my Region Rep?

The region representative and other leaders within GASP are found on the program areas/ committee members page. This page is available to members within the members access area. To find your region, click here.


I'm not getting any emails from the region or events from GASP?

If you ever checked "unsubscribe" for any received email from the GASP handler the email setting was changed in your profile and will exclude future emails from our website. Therefore, you would not be getting them. If you have inadvertantly clicked on the "unsubscribe" which changes the personal email setting you'll need to go into your profile and to the emails and setting tab and check which emails you have OK'ed to receive. Once these changes to again receive email are made, you should be all fixed now for any future eblasts from region rep or events handler.


Conducting Research?

What are the requirements and who do I contact? Research through GASP  is reserved for GASP members in good standing or fee based to survey members. GASP reserves the right to deny research using the members information and approves access after consideration and vetting through the research committee.  The research chair should be contacted here with a general request and the research summary and IRB approval documents included using the directions given in the members access area (see Research Information Section). Based on the research chair's recommendation, the board votes on whether to approve or disapprove the research and this is typically decided at one of the four yearly board meetings (Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall). If approved, the membership database is only to be used for the research purpose intended. GASP also requires that those conducting research present their findings at a future conference event either by Dialogue publication, poster presentation or workshop presentation format.


Can I post upcoming workshop announcements?

You can post workshops for local and regional members under the regional workshop discussion page topic. You would post the necessary information for those who may be interested there. All discussion sections are under the members access section of the website.

Additional Questions?

Contact the webmaster here.

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